1 - Bilingual Report on Appointment into Title of Assistant
2 - Bilingual Report on Appointment into Title of Assistant Professor
3 - Report on Appointment into the Scientific-Teaching title of Assistant Professor for the Scientific Area of Civil Law
4 - Report on Appointment into the Scientific-Teaching Title of Assistant Professor for the Scientific Area of State and Public International Law
5 - Report on Appointment into the scientific-teaching title of Assistant Professor for the scientific area of Civil Law
6 - Report on Appointment into the scientific-teaching title of Assistant for the scientific field of CIvil Law
7 - Report on Appointment into the scientific-teaching title of Assistant Professor for the scientific area of Civil Law
8 - Report of the Committee on the Proposal for the Election of Dr. Ena Kazić-Cakar to the Academic Title of Associate Professor
9 - Report with proposal for appointment Dr. ENA KAZIĆ
10 - Report with proposal for appointment Dr. BENJAMINA LONDRC
11 - Report with proposal for appointment Dr. Patricia Živković
12 - Senate Decision : Harmonization of FLW Master Curriculum
13 - FLW Council Decision on ECTS point deficiency
14 - Appointment to academic title of Assistant Professor - Dr Kenan Ademovic
15 - Appointment to academic title of Assistant Professor - Dr Boris Prastalo
16 - Appointment to academic title of Assistant Professor - Dr Asim Jusic
International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina