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Summary of sixth day of IUS FLW Summer School on International Arbitration

Today, 15th September, attendees of Summer School on Arbitration had the chance of taking part in two lectures.

First lecture was titled “The investor-state dispute settlement in the Western Balkans - overview of past and present cases and lessons learned from practise - part I”.

This important lecture was delivered by Prof. Dr. Emir Sudžuka, Notary, Vice-Rector of University of Vitez and Adjunct Professor at Faculty of Law of International University of Sarajevo.

Second lecture held was titled “The investor-state dispute settlement in the Western Balkans - overview of past and present cases and lessons learned from practise - part II” by Fahira Brodlija LLM, Lecturer at Faculty of Law of International University of Sarajevo.

Thank you to professors Sudžuka and Brodlija for their insightful and thought-provoking lectures and masterful presentation.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s closing sessions!