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"Stay informed about ongoing trends and contemporary challenges in your discipline” - Medisa Fočić, IUS Alumni Success Story

Medisa Fočić, an alumna of the International University of Sarajevo, earned her Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Law in 2020 and 2021, respectively. Throughout her academic journey, she distinguished herself as one of the top students at the Faculty of Law.


Read her story below!

Currently, Medisa is pursuing her PhD at the University of Technology Sydney (Australia), focusing her research on intellectual property (IP) policies and management strategies for European universities. Her academic prowess and dedication at the Faculty of Law have led her to become a rising researcher in the field of knowledge transfer, research valorization, and commercialization.

In her professional capacity, Medisa serves as an external research associate at the Institut Mines-Télécom Business School (one of France's leading business schools) and the International Center for Knowledge Resilience at the University of Technology Sydney. Over the past three years, she has contributed to nine ERASMUS+ funded projects and currently manages two projects: 'Sustainable Development Strategies for Higher Educational Institutions (SDS4HEI)' and 'Cooperation in Education Gateway (CiE Gateway)'.

In addition to her work in France and Australia, Medisa is an independent research consultant in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through her collaboration with a network of experts, she has supported various institutions, including the Association Arbitrari, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the Delegation of the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina, European Union Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisation (TASCO) and the Education and Training Foundation (ETF).

Medisa is a co-author of the “The STEM-Valorisation Synthesis Report,” aimed at providing comprehensive training for first-stage Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) researchers in Europe. She has also authored several conference papers and commercial articles.

Her message to current students is to stay informed about ongoing trends and contemporary challenges in their disciplines. She encourages students to be innovative in their learning and professional development, highlighting the plethora of opportunities for growth and networking available at the campus and external environment.